Working in clay, acrylic and ink, Elena Strohfeldt is fast becoming a leading player in the Australian ceramics’ scene. Self-taught from as little as two years ago, Elena’s work is clearly intuitive, and because of its reflective nature is already widely sought after, with numerous inclusions in House & Garden.

Of this instinctive process the artist says: 

“As I begin each piece there is no preconceived vision of what I want to create… I let my hands interact with the clay organically. Once I am halfway through, the piece begins to form, and I know where to take it. The clay is my way of telling a story.”

Handbuilding raw clay and forming it into modern ceramic sculptures that combines art, design and functionality, each piece is fired to stonewear in textured earthy tones of brown, cream and sand. Elena explains that the process is deeply meditative, each movement a release of pent-up emotion. 

Adorned with organic curls of calligraphic movement, with fluted edges and striated lengths, each piece is uniquely striking, glazed, rough coated or bare. There is a sense of fun with Elena’s work, a relaxing of the strictures of life, and this plays into her belief that the process of moulding clay helps with calming anxiety.   

We asked her what inspired her work: 

The outside world guides my art. What triggers my creativity could be as small as a flower or as big as a building. I never begin a piece of art with a vision in mind, I let my emotions and my hands guide me through the process. That is when the magic happens. I let go and try not to overthink it.”

A collection of Elena Strohfeldt's work was recently featured on Selling Houses Australia.

'Lotus #10' 
'Madoura Vessel #1'

Awards & Recognition

Featured in notable Printmaker Art Gallery in Fitzroy, Melbourne 2022

House & Garden April 2022

Selling Houses Australia 2024

Vivid Emerging Designer Awards finalist 2024


Michael Reid Gallery in Newport, Sydney 2022

'Her' Brunswick Street Gallery 2023

'Gold' Red Gallery Victoria, 2024

'Layers', Melbourne Design Week NGV 2024